No. 1 on TripAdvisor with fake restaurant
What's the secret to creating fun content that spreads across the internet like wildfire? Oobah Butler of VICE deconstructs what makes a story go viral. Using examples from his own work like The Shed of Dulwich and the other two films he made in 2018, which were viewed by 160 million people, we’ll learn how he developed compelling narratives with the perfect balance of irreverence and insights to make an impact in the internet era.

Oobah Butler
The Number 1 Agency
Oobah Butler is an award-winning filmmaker, writer and speaker. In 2018, he made three films that were viral sensations, tallying up almost 160 million views so far. His debut book 'How To Bullsh*t Your Way To Number 1’ recently became a #1 bestseller on USA Today.