The process of innovation has become innovation itself
As innovators we tend to gravitate towards what we master. However, innovation is fundamentally unpredictable and messy. Still, we try to control it. Focus on tangible factors, like technology and functionality. Act according to predefined processes and roles. Deliver on time.
Furthermore: We use the same framework as everyone else, the same data as everyone else, and the same technology as everyone else. Consequently, we try to force the market (people) to align with the innovation process, because our urge to “innovate” dwarfes our capabilities to enable customer progress. As a result, the majority of product launches fail.
As long as the innovators (people) are locked in their self-designed cage, they will not provide progress for their target customers (people). Heiki will expand on his learnings, far from the public eye, and provide his view on how to approach innovation differently.
Heiki Strengelsrud
Heiki likes to spark meaningful and challenging discussions. You will either find him captious or captivating. Prior to co-founding Aprila, a small business challenger bank, he established a customer driven disruption lab outside the red tape of DNB, in order to explore what is the future of banking. Neither being a bank nor becoming digital emerged as the centerpiece.
He holds an MBA in strategy and entrepreneurship from Instituto de Empresa (IE) in Madrid. During his career he has managed divisions, teams and projects within strategy and innovation. In many shapes and forms.