The service is the brand
How can Facebook have two years of scandals followed by evaporating public trust and still grow its user base? How can Airbnb provide a global promise to travelers about hospitality and security when the foundation for the service are deeply local?
We often discuss the services we use every day as design objects or as businesses. But we rarely discuss them as brands with the power to influence and shape our behavior. We need to see and understand the brands that are the services, not just how the services solve problems. Through the lens of brand thinking we can understand how the services holds global appeal and succeed across borders, cultures, genders, ages, public scrutiny, regulations and boredom.
How these services relate to our deeper needs and aspirations is a good way of understanding the success of the companies that make them. It also holds valuable input on how services can be developed faster, simpler and be more effective in the market.
Key take aways:
1. Brand thinking is user centric.
2. Brand thinking is business centric.
Jørgen Helland
Jørgen is a sociologist that has held a wide array of positions within digital marketing, communications and design. Currently he works as a Strategy Director with brand strategies, design and storytelling in Scandinavian Design Group for some of Norway´s biggest brands.
Previously he was Director of Brand & Digital Marketing in Schibsted. He also takes part in the public discourse on digital brands and is featured regularly in Dagens Næringsliv, Shifter and various media.