How technology spreads - or doesn’t
We often think of technology as something that just spreads by itself, as a natural force sweeping over us. But that’s rarely the case. In this talk, Ida Aalen shared both what her startup (Confrere) has learned from building video calling tools for the health care sector, as well as insight into academic research and how and why technology does - and doesn't spread. We also got a glimpse of the complex and often humorous development of a technology we all know well: the bicycle.
The technologies that we take for granted had to take long, winding, and scattered roads to become what they are today. Cultivating an understanding of technology as shapeable is crucial in the time where the ethical aspects of technology are more important than ever.

Ida Aalen
Ida is the co-founder and chief product officer of Confrere. She has more than ten years of experience with usability and digital product development.
Her experience has made Ida a well-known expert and sought-after speaker in Norway – she’s published two books on social media and is a columnist at the Norwegian business daily Dagens Næringsliv.