Program 2019
07:00 - 13:30
07:00 - 13:30
EXTRA! Masterclass continuous innovation. Tuesday 24th (EN)
Ash Maurya - Running Lean and Scaling Lean
Netlife Stage
07:00 - 13:30
07:00 - 13:30
Netlife Stage
Learn the basics or fail
05:00 - 10:40
07:00 - 07:10
Good morning designers, innovators and the rest of you Y Tent Stage
07:20 - 08:00
Love the problem and not the solution!
Ash Maurya - Running Lean and Scaling Lean
Y Tent Stage
08:00 - 08:20
Tackle innovation myths
Martin Schütt - Askeladden (Cutters, Verd, Dr. Dropin og Squeeze)
Y Tent Stage
08:20 - 08:40
Break! Get a snack and a new friend. Y Tent Stage
08:40 - 08:55
Why you need validated learnings
Ivar Lyngve - Innsæi ,
Per Andreas Alnes - Vipps
Y Tent Stage
09:10 - 09:25
A different approach to corporate innovation
Cathrine Movold - Finstart Nordic
Y Tent Stage
09:25 - 09:40
Digitizing construction to make house buyers happy
Ingrid Schübeler - Digital XBO
Y Tent Stage
09:40 - 10:40
Conference lunch! (or something waaay better) Y Tent Stage
Track 1: Tech and design
10:40 - 12:00
11:40 - 12:00
Improving collaboration through your design system
Torstein Aas-Hansen - Gjensidige ,
Marthe Trygg Solberg - Itera ,
Kristian Saksvik Munkvold - Gjensidige
Y Tent Stage
Track 2: Work this way
10:40 - 12:00
11:00 - 11:20
Change your organisation! (and survive)
Beth Stensen - Ruter (now Netlife Design)
Netlife Stage
11:40 - 12:00
The story of Tim
Maren Volsdal Skirbekk - Oslo Origo ,
Kristin Juland Møller - Oslo Origo
Netlife Stage
Track 3: Growth
10:40 - 12:00
10:40 - 11:00
From dumpster diving to Europe's fastest growing company with a social agenda
Ann-Kristin Raknes Pfründer - Too Good To Go
Youngs Stage
11:40 - 12:00
Less buzz, more craftmanship (Speaking Norwegian)
Bendik Gill Bakken - Fiken
Youngs Stage
12:00 - 12:25
12:00 - 12:25
Get back to the Y-tent!
Challenge the existing
12:25 - 13:30
12:25 - 12:40
The process of innovation has become innovation itself
Heiki Strengelsrud - Aprila
Y Tent Stage
Party and side-events!
13:30 - 21:45
13:30 - 14:00
Break and wait for Oobah! Y Tent Stage
14:00 - 14:30
No. 1 on TripAdvisor with fake restaurant
Oobah Butler - The Number 1 Agency
Y Tent Stage
14:00 - 21:45
Party in da tent and informal side-events from our partners Y Tent Stage
Let's dive deeper
07:00 - 10:30
07:00 - 07:10
Good morning! It is Friday! Y Tent Stage
07:10 - 07:30
Get your systems and organization to work together
Henriette Tveit - Kravia
Y Tent Stage
08:10 - 08:30
Break and relax Y Tent Stage
09:30 - 10:30
Lunch. Feed the innovators! Y Tent Stage
Real world stories
10:30 - 13:35
10:30 - 10:40
Digital innovation in a world of pagers and fax machines
Petter Risøe - Diffia
Y Tent Stage
10:40 - 10:55
Smart tracking with IoT and NarrowBand
Alexander Haneng - Posten and Bring
Y Tent Stage
12:00 - 12:20
Break. Stretch your legs. Y Tent Stage
12:20 - 12:35
I’m from the (local) government and I’m here to help
Ingvild Sundby - Origo
Y Tent Stage
12:35 - 12:50
When growth hacking killed our idea
Camilla Brustad-Nilsen - Storebrand ,
Hallgeir Knutsen - Reodor Innovation Studio
Y Tent Stage
12:50 - 13:05
From slow to lean mean hypothesis machine in 3 years
Haakon Halvorsen - SpareBank 1
Y Tent Stage
13:05 - 13:20
First things first. Learn to prioritize the way!
Kaija Ommundsen -
Y Tent Stage
13:20 - 13:35
Y Tent Stage